December 16, 2008

12.16.08 Manatee Pocket, Stuart, FL

Larry needed a new starting battery so we stopped in Manatee pocket for the night.

The bottom is very muddy…this is our neighbor in the anchorage washing down their chain. washing down the anchor

We were blessed with another beautiful sunrise.12.13-14-15-16  08 039

Here are a few of the “modest” homes we saw…12.16.08 010 12.16.08 008 12.16.08 001 12.16.08 006 We were really impressed with the color of the water as we got near the inlets.12.16.08 013 We are in an anchorage near N Palm Beach. Nice dock at a launch ramp for taking Raisin ashore. Jim and I took a quick swim. The water here is nice but not as pretty as it was earlier.

12.15.08 channel near Palm City..just off St Lucie river

Diane spent most of the morning behind the wheel while Larry finished up his chores. Captain Diane

She’s really good…She does all the driving when we are trying to tie up at anchor and sometimes we get pretty tricky with current and wind.

There is no such thing as “his and her” jobs on the boat. Everyone gets to try their hand at everything. It is a safety issue..if one were to become incapacitated…the other can take over…

Here is my “galley slave”.galley slave

12.14.08 leaving Indiantown Marina

Indiantown Marina has a large area for boats that need work. You can liveaboard and do your repairs. Or you can pitch a tent.working on their boat at Indiantown Marina Looks like this one might be getting new bottom work yard at Indiantown Marina Larry spotted this one in the storage area…figured I’d like it.  He was right. It has twin keels and the rudder becomes the third point. It is designed for areas with a very high and low tide. If you are left sitting high and dry….you just sit there on the keels and wait for the tide to come in.neat sailboat at Indiantown Marina We left the dock around 10:00..they had 6 boats needing slips.