June 14, 2015

‘49 Hudson getting a bit of a make-over. 6.10.15

Jim’s idea of “retiring” is different than most peoples. He can only sit in a chair for so long…then he is off and working.

The Hudson had square corners on the hood….didn’t look like it fit the rest of the car..


and it seemed that was exactly where he would hit his head every time he was working under the hood.

So out came the tools … first the corner had to be rounded……


Then a piece had to be cut for the empty space….


Then they had to be welded into place.



I had some photos of the welding but they didn’t come out very well.006c

All dressed up and ready for Bondo….old quilts, blankets, sheets and towels all do double duty around here….


and a little primer….

021c   022c

Still needs final paint…..


Before….                                                                                              After……


He has some dings and scratches he wants to fix before painting…..

He figures now instead of a gash when he hits his head it will just be a dent.

Next project?   He’s going to change the grill a little….of course…a “little” will probably take a week or more.