January 12, 2013

1.7.13 Salt River Springs, FL

Our screened porch worked out pretty good. The weather has warmed up a little and we were able to sit out back with a glass of wine and watch the boaters pulling out at the launch ramp. Most of it went smoothly, but we could tell which pair had worked together often and those for the first time. It made us stop and think how we might sound to others……we’ll be more cautious next time.

This morning I spotted a gentleman in a kayak taking pictures of the wildlife in the springs. A few minutes later a couple of Manatees took interest in the red kayak.

I was so envious of him being out there with them.


They kept coming up close to the kayak……and then…….

Here is a series of pictures I took from the video:

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That is the Manatee’s tail.


Manatees can be 10-12 ft long and weigh as much as 1500 lbs.

Jim and I saw this behavior once on the river. We shut the motor down when we saw them coming our way, and drifted. There were 2 big ones and a calf. They swam around, under and along side us, looking us over. Stayed with us for about 15 minutes, then with a big splash like this one…..they continued on their way. We took it as a “good bye”.

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Wow!!   What a way to take your morning shower.


and what a way for us to start the day. It just doesn’t get any better than this..

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