While we were out for those 3 nights….I had emptied the rain gauge. I checked it after the rainstorm last night and it read 5 inches. I wonder how accurate they are.
Thursday night we had a downpour. This is Jim bailing out the dingy.
I think we must have gotten a few inches that night.This little guy (Great Pondhawk?) was interested in watching Jim bail,
This Eastern Pondhawk was more interested in the camera. I am fascinated with the dragonflies. Check out my website for the critters around our place. www.wildlifearoundus.blogspot.com and look at the Amberwings and Dashers.
This is how we look when drying out.
We were fairly dry inside but hot and sticky since we had to close all the ports, windows etc, because it was raining so hard, and talk about thunder and lightening!! What a show!
The sheet on the bow rail was on the top of the bimini. That blue top gets pretty hot when the sun is shining and the white sheet helps keep it cooler while motoring or at anchor. That’s why we are considering a hardtop.