The air was so still the water made a perfect mirror.
Nature makes use of everything…even this broken palm becomes a spot for something to grow.
We changed our anchor spot for one that would get early morning sun. We are on the opposite side of “Bubba’s” Island. You can see it on the L side of the picture.
We’ve plenty of gas but decided to fill one tank with marine gas. It is more expensive but does not have ethanol in it. We’ll wait till the last hour of travel and run some of that thru the motor. Perhaps it will last longer. Same with the generator. Ethanol ruins older motors.
While at the fuel dock we talked with an Adventure Craft owner. When he found out we owned one several years ago…he invited us to take a look at his.
I think he has 4 solar panels. The one over the blue bimini runs the fridge and freezer, and the ones on the front run the flat screen TV and all the other stuff. He lives aboard..and yes…that is a sail you see on the upper deck. He’s going to try to conserve fuel when ever he can. Can’t wait to run into him again…maybe at Silver Glen Springs. He had made use of every inch of space in his “Nordic Son”.
I want solar panels too!!!!
We spotted a few gators on the way up the river.
Didn’t get pictures of them all…this one’s a youngster…only 6 or 7 ft. long
We’re anchored for the night at Revolving Bend marker R 30. This pretty Little Blue Heron….
Great Blue Heron….
Sand Hill Cranes…..they nest out on the floating lily pads and stuff.
and the beautiful Limpkins kept us company. It may be brown and white…but look how beautiful they are.
This may be it’s mate…they were together.
We spotted this one while in the dingy. It found a snail.
The Purple Galineau blends in well with it’s surroundings…
You can’t tell but this is a pretty good sized gator….he’s keeping us safe from intruders..
Time for wine on the rear deck while the sun goes down. Hope some deer or turkey come down for water.