September 27, 2010

Solar lights & campfire drip coffeemaker

Hira ( ) asked if I had any pictures when I mentioned the solar light for below and the one we use as an anchor light. We only use it when we are in an area where there is little or no traffic. If we are concerned then we use the regular anchor light. In that case, we are able to delay putting the main anchor light on until we are ready for bed and all the other lights are tuned off. Sometimes even a few hours can make a difference on batteries.

Jim used a solar spot light and a plastic glass with a diamond cut pattern.  A  piece of reflective tape was put in the bottom of the glass so the light would not be lost in the sky but directed back into the sides to increase the brightness.….he then glued it onto the spot light.  Both lights were mounted to a flat piece of board.  I sit them on the top of the boat during the day and check every so often to be sure they are aimed at the sun.

I think we’ve been using these for a couple of years.  They were about $20 at Lowes. 


The light for below is aimed at the white ceiling and no other lights are needed below for trips to the head or fridge or for heating water to warm up the birds “radiator”…during the winter. 

As I said before….we don’t use them in an area that other boats would be traveling in.  Most of the places we anchor are Manatee areas and idle speed is the norm there.  If it’s raining or foggy we use the main anchor light. Either way…it spends the night on the top of the boat.

We used this Coleman drip coffeemaker the last trip out. It’s designed for a camp stove. It makes more coffee and much faster ( means less fuel)  than the stainless percolator. It’s large size is the only thing I can find fault with. I keep it in the original box so the glass coffeepot wont break.


It sits much steadier on the alcohol stove.

I used to start the percolator with the butane stove and then move it to the alcohol stove……..the small base on it made it a little  unsteady  on either one.

1 comment:

Hira Barbara Reid said...

This is great to see. Thank you so much. It gives me other ideas.
Thanks Hira