March 18, 2010

3.14.10 Murphy’s Creek to Welaka,FL

We took our time getting started today. Once the sun was up it was beautiful so we took the dingy and cruised some of the islands.

On our way to our anchorage last night we passed a beautiful boat at anchor….a Great Harbour N37. What a beauty!!!  We must have left the anchorage before they did because they passed us on the river.


We’d have to hit the big lottery to afford this one.049cs

We had not seen many boats on the water, the wind was starting to pick up and the air was cool, and here we are…3 trawlers in the same area. We had been slowly catching up with this boat…they look like they have every thing they need….solar panels…wind generator..bikes…my kind of boat. I like the way the swim platform flips up to create less drag.


I would love to be set up for long term living and anchoring. No marinas except for fuel and a trip to the store.

We stopped at the Welaka City dock  (Bryant’s Wharf). They have a new sign now….so look for this.068cs

Kate and Bruce were busy but Carole and Ed met us at Shrimp R Us for an early supper. They will be hauling their boat out at the end of the week and this will probably be our last dinner together. We will miss them but look forward to seeing them next year.

We are spending the night at the dock. It is very windy and cool.

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